The Milk Hoose
No milk in the Fridge? Come to The Milk Hoose for a top-up. Our fresh farm milk from our grass-fed herd of Corton Coos is available everyday from our fabulous and very popular vending machine! Not only that, you can now have our delicious milk in a variety of milkshake flavours! Mooorvelous! Come and give it a try! Open 7am to 9pm.

Have You Tried Out Our New Vending Machines?

opening hours
Tuesday - Sunday 9.30am - 4:30pm
Closed every Monday
Open 24 hours, every day!

Our herd of 220 Holstein Friesian cows are grass–fed in our fields during the summer months and during the winterare fed on silage (stored grass).

They are milked twice a day in a parlour. Butterfat is on average approx. 4.2% and protein approx 3.4%.

The milk is then batch pasteurisedon farm (heated up to 68 degrees Centigrade (for 5 minutes).

It is in its purest form and the cream settles on the top. It is then chilled and put into the Milkbot.

This is dispensed in our reusable glass bottles, therefore reducing plastic waste.

Customers should go home, drink the milk, sterilise their bottle and bring it back for a re-fill.